Monday, April 21, 2008

Tinker Bell

I would have to say that I am most like Tinker Bell from the Disney movie, Peter Pan. She is very resourceful and imaginative in her ways of fixing things up. For example, she uses a simple needle and thread to sew Peter Pan's shadow back on. I have always considered myself pretty resourceful and hard-working in the things that I do as well. Tinker bell is a fun and fearless fairy that is a loyal friend to everyone. I, too, consider myself to be a very fun and outgoing person that will try anything new. Some of my friends this year have introduced me to some really fun events that are new to me such as country dancing. I had an open mind and went along and had a great time! Tinker Bell also his somewhat hot-tempered at times. I have this hot-tempered personality at times... especially when I see my friends or family get hurt in anyway. At one point in the movie Peter Pan says something to offend Tink and her face goes really red and she gets embarassed! That fits me really well because I also get very shy, especially when I am in front of other people. After all, Tinker Bell is a true friend that you really have to get to know before you really know much about her. Plus, Tinker Bell has magic pixie dust that can help you fly and that is always a plus!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Potato Salad... That My Little Brother Made

Over Conference weekend I went home and instinctively went to the refrigerator to see what delicious something was awaiting for me to eat. There is always something better in my family's fridge than my poor fridge here at college. There sat some potato salad and because that is the only kind of potato salad that I like I decided to try some. So I whipped out the whole container and grabbed a fork and at a couple of bites right out of the tupperware. One or two bites into it there was something really different about it. It did not taste like it usually does. Just as I was about to turn around and ask my mom if she had done anything different that time my little brother popped into the kitchen and asked how it tasted, with a big smile on his face. He asked because he had made it and he was sure proud of it! I do have to admit that for a thirteen year old boy he did a pretty good job...

Thursday, April 3, 2008

My First Attempt in making Homemade Rolls...

Last night I made homemade rolls, as you all know from eating them in class today:) haha. It was my first attempt ever to make rolls like my mom and it took me forever to make them and get them just right. I started making them a little after seven and didn't get finished until almost 1am. I had to call my mom three or four times during this whole process. For the first pan I wasn't sure how long to let them rise and so I called my mom and tried describing what they looked like so that she could make an estimate on how much longer I should let them rise. Well,
I had already put one pan in so I couldn't really do anything about those but I ended up letting the other pans rise another hour or two before I baked them. Anyway, it was a good experience and hey, now I know how to make rolls! Yay.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Vegetable Lasagna...

This past weekend when I visited my family down in Spanish Fork I opened up the refridgerador to find something scrumptious to snack on. There sat nearly a whole pan of vegetable lasagna that had hardly been touched! I turned to my mom and said, "When did you guys have this?" She told me that it was just the other night but that none of my picky-eating brothers would eat it. My mom said that I was more than welcome to take it back to my apartment with me which I was more than happy to do. Hey, that vegetable lasagna is perfectly good food... it's made me appreciate food a lot more since I've been at college these past seven months. Really good food is expensive for a college student so I'm really a lot more appreciative it.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Homemade Sunday Dinner

This past weekend my family, grandparents, roommates, and all of my cousins that are currently attending BYU went down to Spanish Fork to celebrate my dad's, grandma's, and brother's birthday. Every year my dad requests homemade Swedish meatballs which my mother makes for him. She probably made close to 75 meatballs because our family eats so much! (espcially because I have 5 brothers that put away A LOT of food!) Anyway, my dad made the mashed potatoes and gravy and my mom made the best homemade rolls ever and cooked several varieties of vegies. My grandma brought salad and cookies. Yum. I enjoy these home-cooked meals better than ANY restaurant! I'm grateful for parents that make these wonderful meals and that I'm lucky enough to live close enough to go down for Sunday dinner each week! For dessert we had three different cakes for each of the people celebrating a birthday.... talk about have dessert options! Along with it we had a variety of cookies and ice cream! Yum!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

My Adventure in Making Bread

Last Saturday after I got home from work I was trying to decide what to do. I looked for some bread to munch on but low and behold I did not find any... so I decided to try and attempt to make some myself. I've seen my mom do it dozens of times so I took a swing at it. I started with getting a whole bunch of ingredients out, mixed them together and then started adding flour like crazy. I called my mom multiple times throughout this whole bread-making process. I don't know if I didn't let it rise long enough or what but I kneaded the bread into loaves and put them in my mom's bread pans that I had to borrow and let them rise even more. I put them in the oven and let them cook until they looked like a nice golden brown color.... haha. After I got them out and started to let them cool they didn't look too pretty. I also tasted a little bit of one of the loaves and it still tasted kind of doughy. I quickly put all the loaves back in the pans and put them back in the oven to try and attempt to finish cooking them. Several minutes later I got them back out. They looked okay but they weren't nearly as pretty as my mom's homemade bread. I'm definitely going to need some major practice on my new bread-making skills!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Salad Anyone?

Not too long ago one of my best friend’s and I decided to try and be extra healthy…right. Anyway, we decided to get ourselves a salad at a local restaurant but there was one problem. I just don’t like salad! I told my friend that I would try and train myself to like it. So, I got a pretty decent tasting salad dressing and drizzled it over the salad. I looked at the salad, trying to prepare myself to eat this bowl of green leaves. I put a bite in my mouth and quickly tried to chew it up and swallow it. I was only successful for about four bites. After that, I just couldn’t swallow it without getting a gagging feeling. Ugh! Since then, I’ve tried eating salad again but I don’t ever get that far with my attempt.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

As for an introduction, I'm from little old Spanish Fork, UT which is only about 20 minutes away. We have had all sorts of animals as pets because we live up on the East bench in the middle of a whole bunch of fields. We've had horses, chickens, rabbits, cats, dogs, sheep, cows, pigs, etc. I think you can get the picture. I have a twin brother and I'm seven minutes older than him and you know that I don't ever let him forget it! Haha:) I swam competitively in high school along with my twin brother and we had a blast. I've really enjoyed taking swimming classes here at BYU along with other sports classes. I play the piano and yes, I do love classical music but I also love almost any other type of music too. I guess I can share with you my favorite food since we'll be focusing on that subject a lot this semester. My all time favorite food to eat is homemade taquitos with chips and salsa. Basically any type of Mexican food. I also LOVE cookie dough and cookies n' cream ice cream! Yum!