Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Salad Anyone?

Not too long ago one of my best friend’s and I decided to try and be extra healthy…right. Anyway, we decided to get ourselves a salad at a local restaurant but there was one problem. I just don’t like salad! I told my friend that I would try and train myself to like it. So, I got a pretty decent tasting salad dressing and drizzled it over the salad. I looked at the salad, trying to prepare myself to eat this bowl of green leaves. I put a bite in my mouth and quickly tried to chew it up and swallow it. I was only successful for about four bites. After that, I just couldn’t swallow it without getting a gagging feeling. Ugh! Since then, I’ve tried eating salad again but I don’t ever get that far with my attempt.


Bryce said...

Reminds me of myself about 15 years ago. The only salad I would eat was fruit salad. My parents would bribe me to eat my salad with all sorts of things like desert and allowance and toys. Even then I found myself resisting and grounded to the dinner table late into the evening not able to leave until I ate all my food (the greens). I don't recall when I began to like salad.

Shannon said...

My mom used to always serve salad with our pizza, so that we would be getting something "healthy"(like iceberg lettuce and ranch is healthy). Anyway, my brother decided to put his lettuce on his pizza because he hated it so much. I always thought it was disgusting, but he didn't care.

Alex said...

I am not expert on the psychology of eating, but i would guess food preferences are not too dependent on difference in taste bud physiology. It is probably a mental thing. I have the similar problems with eggs and bananas. These were my childhood dislikes, and the rancor has pervaded into my teenage life because i have never given them a chance for more than a decade. I am trying to train myself to like them too. I hope you can teach an old dog new tricks.

bean said...

haha i can totally relate to this story. All my mom ate when i was a little kid (it seemed like) were cooked vegetables so when I would come down for dinner it would smell soooo bad...like cooked carrots. I couldn't eat any vegetables (including salad) until I was like 16.

Ann Marie said...

You know I used to be one to not like salad either, but you know, working at different places does things to you. I now like some salads, but I am one of those strange people who eat it without any dressing.